
Factory town steam power
Factory town steam power

I hope this enourmous speed debuff will be subject to a change when steam powered water pumps and pipes are implemented (Erik said something like that in other posts about this subject)ĮDIT: Your problem can also have a much more simple reason: If you "pimp up" lets say your Cloth shirts production with additional workers but your cotton farms /fabric workshops cant deliver enough material in time (not enough farms and/or transport belt/shute/cart to slow) You then see a blinking red E representing (not enough material input) or even the same when your output is ful. Thats why i use seperate buildings for every task in my production line (to keep ratios up) and do not bother at all about fertilizing/ active watering on all farms.

factory town steam power

build a second milk farm.Īnother example would be, having a kitchen doing 2 (or more things) at the same time, like making ointment AND its own fishoil (you can enable multiple recipes in one production) or a mine set on stone AND coal (if covering multiple resource patches) which also cant keep up so theoretically you have to force-feed water into your milk farm via an unpacker with boxed water or just. At prod speed >1250% you need additional wells. which makes maps utterly ugly.įunfact: you can speed up a milk farm so much that it outruns passive watering (if built on or adjected to a water tile). This problem also leads to that all "high end" productions which need tons of farms (sandwich/berry cake) are usually built on flattened land on zero level to be able to use the passive watering via trenches. (or even use the so called "swamp farm" exploit) Thats why active watering and fertilizing is pointless atm (speed debuff way to high) so people usually burn their fertilizer in kitchens or steam machines and build passive watering trenches around their farms. the "5 or 6 times rapidly" are the normal speed (including all boni) and what you called "its normal speed" is the speed penalty a building gets if it has to multitask (example: harvesting crops on a farm WHILE watering (or fertilizing or both) slows down the harvest by ~ half. So it is exactly the oposite of your interpretation. The site, which was founded in 1897, manufactures industrial plant steam turbine equipment, some of which is used on the UK’s nuclear submarines.Īs well as halting production, the strikes have also disrupted the site’s repair and refurbishment service for steam rotating equipment.I bet you have been investigating these different speeds on farms AND have watering or fertilizing enabled. We are hopeful we will reach a resolution quickly.”Įarlier this year, more than 75 Unite members staged the first strikes at the factory in 45 years, over what they said was GE Steam Power’s ‘refusal to negotiate over flexible working payments and the expectation that workers will take on new roles without extra pay’. “The Steam Power management in Rugby continues to have discussions with the union and has actively proposed solutions to the issues raised.

factory town steam power

“While the court did not agree with our position, we believe that had the issues been raised through ongoing communication they could have been resolved.

factory town steam power

“The current government and the Tory leadership candidates are encouraging employers to see industrial disputes as malicious and something to attack for political advantage – when in reality it’s about working people having no other option and nowhere else to turn.”Ī GE spokesperson said: “We respect employees’ right to take industrial action on issues important to them. “Industrial action is always a last resort, but it’s a necessary one when employers won’t listen, and Thompsons is proud to work alongside unions to challenge employers who seek to prevent legitimate industrial action. The legal firm’s Head of Trade Union Law Richard Arthur said: “We are pleased to have won such a comprehensive rejection of the company’s claims. Unite was represented in the case by Thompsons Solicitors. “All-out industrial action will continue until GE Steam Power abides by the union recognition agreement and provides an acceptable training payment for our members to train others.”

Factory town steam power