
Moonbase alpha songs davbid bowie
Moonbase alpha songs davbid bowie

moonbase alpha songs davbid bowie

Underground, it was reduced to a few rooms, the main Medical Centre acting as a combination patient ward, examination room and surgery all in one. The Medical Section once occupied an entire building on the Moon's surface and included several large wards, trauma, casualty and diagnostic units, intensive care wards and operating theatres. The vulnerable Main Mission had been abandoned in favour of the safer underground Command Centre, a smaller control room with many of the same features of Main Mission.

#Moonbase alpha songs davbid bowie series#

In contrast, Year Two revealed that an underground complex had been constructed and expanded upon between the two series and that the majority of Alpha's command, operations and living centres had been relocated there. The Eagle transporters and other ancillary craft are maintained and stored in an underground hangar complex.

moonbase alpha songs davbid bowie

Others are devoted to the Technical and Maintenance Sections and are responsible for the repair and upkeep of Moonbase and its many complex systems.

moonbase alpha songs davbid bowie

Several buildings are given over to research in a number of scientific fields including astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology and astrophysics. Recreation lounges and restaurants are scattered throughout the complex. The Recreation Section boasts a gymnasium, private work-out rooms, a solarium with adjacent sauna and swimming pool, bowling alley, performing-arts theatre and separate cinema, and a reference library with both real books and electronic equivalents. Personnel also have the option to live with a roommate if desired. Suites with a separate, larger bedroom are available to married staff members. Corridors run eight feet wide throughout the base and the pipes and wiring trunks that festooned the walls of previous ocean-going military vessels and spacecraft are concealed behind four-foot-by-eight-foot modular panels.Īll Alpha personnel have their own suite of rooms in the Residence Section with sitting room, sleeping alcove and private bathroom. Opening into Main Mission from behind large sliding doors is the Command Office, which includes a large conference and conversation area. Main Mission, the control centre of the installation, is a massive, multi-leveled room. The operations and living areas are both functional and spacious (unlike early space capsules and Earth-orbiting stations). The international pooling of technical skill and resources after the War of 1987 resulted in the advanced construction of Moonbase Alpha. The expansive Main Mission, as viewed from the Command Office, was the primary control centre of Moonbase. (At the time of " Breakaway", about eighty percent of food and water products were produced chemically on Moonbase.) This diet was supplemented by frozen-food products imported from Earth before all contact with home was severed in September 1999. Nutritional requirements are met by a variety of familiar-appearing foodstuffs produced biochemically on Alpha. Water is obtained from ice deposits under the lunar surface, recycled and purified. Earth-normal artificial gravity is generated by eight towers surrounding the complex. Power is generated by four nuclear reactors and the accumulation of solar energy. Moonbase Alpha is totally self-sustaining. Though operational and occupied for years, final completion of the Alpha construction project occurred in 1997. Construction commenced afterwards under the auspices of the new World Space Commission. Construction began on 3 February 1983, but was briefly halted during the 1987 world war. Originally, the base was designed to serve as both Earth's primary space research and exploration centre and a monitoring station coordinating the nuclear waste disposal areas on the Moon's far side. Apart from the central tower, the surface buildings are two to three stories in height. The complex extends outward from the central Main Mission tower in a series of concentrically-arranged curved structures connected by travel-tube transit tunnels. Located in the Moon crater Plato and constructed out of quarried rock and ores, Moonbase Alpha is four kilometres in diameter and extends up to one kilometre in areas below the lunar surface.

Moonbase alpha songs davbid bowie